Bandeau Optel


All the news from OPTEL-TEXYS.

Torsional Vibration Symposium 2022
02 April 26, 2022

Torsional Vibration Symposium 2022

Torsional Vibration Symposium 2022

We would be pleased to welcome you on booth 4 / Salzburg – May 11-13

Discover or re-discover the benefits that our high-speed sensors can bring to the design and validation of your high technology products.

We look forward to discussing your current and future developments in the field of rotating machinery and to providing you with our expertise in fibre optic tachometers.

It will be the occasion to show our new products

You will see in particular the new amplifier which benefits from the know-how of the design office of TEXYS GROUP, company of which OPTEL-TEXYS is a subsidiary since 2020.
The electronics combine the performance of the analogue circuit with the intelligence of a microprocessor. Thus, the detection adjustment parameters are managed automatically and do not require a potentiometer.
This has led to the reduction of size and weight and gives the advantage to be more easily embedded.

To prepare your meeting with us, we invite you to contact Mr Ivan TATTIER / +33 6 32 49 39 23

Measurement World 2021
03 August 30, 2021

Measurement World 2021

Measurement World 2021

From the 06 to the 09 of September 2021, Texys Group is looking forward to your personal visit at the "Measurement World" in Lyon (France).

This year, additional to the products of our sisters companies “Optel-Texys” and "LGS by Texys", we will also exhibit the original Texense sensors.

Die Serie OPTEL-TEXYS 152 : ein zuverlässiger und leistungsstarker optischer Tachometer
04 Juni 2021

Die Serie OPTEL-TEXYS 152 : ein zuverlässiger und leistungsstarker optischer Tachometer

Die Serie OPTEL-TEXYS 152 : ein zuverlässiger und leistungsstarker optischer Tachometer

Sensorsysteme sind die Referenz in diesem Bereich.

Warum sollten Sie OPTEL-TEXYS optische Tachometer verwenden?
- Wegen ihrer großen Bandbreite und ihrer geringen Reaktionszeit, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, sehr schnelle und hochfrequente Phänomene zu "erkennen ".
- Weil Lichtemission und -detektion unabhängig sind und nicht von einem internen Taktsignal abhängen: Sie verlieren keine Informationen aufgrund einer Detektionspause, während der Lichtemission.
- Wegen der geringen Phasenverschiebung und der Stabilität, der an das Erfassungssystem übertragenen TTL-Signale, auch bei starken Drehschwingungen.
- Wegen ihrer Fähigkeit, sehr hohe Auflösung und einfache Integration in engen Umgebungen zu kombinieren
- Durch die Beschaffenheit der faseroptischen Sonden, die eine Immunität gegen elektromagnetische Wellen bietet und den Einsatz in ATEX-Zonen ermöglicht.
- Detektion in Flüssigkeiten oder Ölnebel.

Für welche Anwendungen ist es notwendig, die leistungsstärksten Sensoren auf dem Markt einzusetzen?
- Erkennung von Azyklismus und Leistungsverbesserung
- Messung von Drehschwingungen für die Diagnose und die Suche nach kurativen und präventiven Lösungen
- Analyse der Spitzenverschiebung an Turbomaschinenschaufeln
- Berührungslose Messung des dynamischen Drehmoments
- Auswuchten von Turboladern und sehr schnell drehenden Systemen
- Lageranalyse durch Kugelerfassung im Einweglichtschrankenmodus.
Und mehr...

Zögern Sie nicht, sich mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen. Unser technisches und kommerzielles Team steht Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung, um Ihre Fragen zu beantworten.

05 March, 2021



The fibre optic sensors manufactured by OPTEL-TEXYS fit perfectly within the framework of the activities of ASTE (Association for the development of Environmental Sciences and Techniques) as they meet the needs of engineers and technicians involved in environmental testing:
- Vibration for detection of torsion and bending
- Climatic thanks to the temperature resistance of the probes
- EMC through the natural immunity of optical fibres to electromagnetic fields.
With new "Very High Temperature" optical probes associated with the sensors of the 152 series, OPTEL-TEXYS opens up the field of possibilities in a temperature range above 200°C.
For example, speed measurement on turbochargers for balancing or acoustic and vibration analysis may concern the "Hot" side of the system. Similarly, blade deformation (or Tip-Timing) measurements on turbines will be feasible in an environment that can reach temperatures of around 600°C.
Another advantage in the use of fibre-optic sensors is that they can detect rotating parts in confined areas or spaces that are difficult for a conventional sensor to access, which is often the case for the applications mentioned.
An example of turbocharger detection is available on the OPTEL-TEXYS Youtube channel. If you have any questions about our solutions, please send an email to


Non-contact torque measurement
06 March, 2021

Non-contact torque measurement

Non-contact torque measurement

In the continuity of the presentation made during the "Rdv de 9h30" organized by the Réseau Mesure, OPTEL-TEXYS offers you an introductory video on non-contact torque measurement.

If you are interested in this subject or, in general, if the analysis of rotating machines based on speed measurement is part of your scope of activity, do not hesitate to visit our website or to contact us at

07 January, 2021



A technician, or test engineer, often wants to avoid introducing an additional mechanical component when performing torque measurement on a rotating machine.

Either because he will have to integrate a torquemeter on the shaft line, or because he will embark on the shaft itself a measuring element coupled with telemetry and thus risk inducing an unbalance.

The current market offers solutions but these find their limits when the machine starts to reach high speeds or when there is not enough space to install an additional element on the shaft.

OPTEL-TEXYS answers these problems thanks to its non-invasive fibre optic sensors. Our solution, combined with partner software, allows us to push the current limits very far.

We invite you to discover it during the 9:30 am meeting, presentation session organized by the Réseau Mesure on February 26th.

Inscription : ✍️

08 November, 2020



L’intensification prochaine de l’électrification des véhicules automobiles va fortement impacter le développement des moteurs et de leurs composants. La variété des technologies nécessitera une meilleure caractérisation du couple et de la puissance. OPTEL TEXYS y répond déjà grâce à ses capteurs optiques hautes vitesses.
L’exemple d’une société française, qui a sélectionné les capteurs 152M pour la caractérisation d’un moteur de 52 KW, montre qu’il est tout à fait possible de mesurer le couple et la vitesse sans contact et sans inertie additionnelle jusqu’à des vitesses très élevées (> 50000 rpm), inaccessibles pour les couplemètres classiques.
L’image montre nos capteurs optiques détectant des gravures aux extrémités d’un arbre positionné entre le moteur et le frein. Le traitement du signal issu de la variation de la position angulaire mesurée avec des précisions de l’ordre de 10-3 degré permet de calculer le couple dynamique avec des résultats précis à 0,02%.
Ainsi, OPTEL TEXYS permet de repousser les limites de la mesure du couple à très hautes vitesses avec des performances équivalentes voire meilleures que les produits existants tout en ajoutant la praticité du sans contact.

09 September, 2020



Depuis peu, une nouvelle technologie vient s’insérer dans le paysage déjà bien occupé de la caractérisation des assemblages vissés, c’est celle proposée par TEXYS GROUP, société française située à Nevers. Celle-ci a mis au point la technologie brevetée de boulons instrumentés TM-FAST qui associe l’utilisation classique de jauges de contraintes avec une installation innovante dans la tête de vis.
Les avantages avérés sont la mesure des efforts de traction et de flexion tout en préservant la tenue mécanique des boulons. De plus, la mesure est accessible via une interrogation sans fil avec la technologie NFC pour des contrôles rapides de la tension de serrage et également lorsque les vis sont connectées en filaire sur des systèmes d’acquisition à des fins d’analyse dynamique.

Ainsi, les vis TM-FAST sont destinées à des utilisations aussi variées que la maintenance prédictive d’assemblages sensibles, la conception de systèmes complexes où la mesure des efforts complète les calculs mécaniques, la validation de produit par l’analyse du comportement dans la jonction boulonnée. Pour celles et ceux qui souhaiteraient en savoir plus sur cette technologie, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter via le formulaire de Contact.

10 June, 2020



OPTEL TEXYS fibre optic sensors for the analysis of turbomachinery. The method called Tip Timing is used for the non-contact measurement and characterization of rotor blade vibrations in land or aircraft turbomachines. These blade vibrations are a major cause of failure. It is essential to have a powerful means of measuring these vibrations that is non-intrusive, reliable and simple to use.
This is why it is common to use non-contact sensors, especially optical sensors, to detect the passage of a blade very accurately and quickly. OPTEL TEXYS develops fibre optic sensors whose performance has made them the reference in the field of rotating machine analysis. Our customers using the Tip Timing method have chosen the 152M sensor with double TTL and Analog output.
Its large bandwidth makes it capable of receiving more than a million information per second and its detection speed allows to read blade passage times of a few tens of nanoseconds. The direct benefit is the reduction of uncertainties compared to other non-contact means of approaching strain gauge methods while remaining non-intrusive. Another advantage lies in the analogue output which provides a raw signal whose content rich in vibration information can be complemented by an in-depth analysis of the phenomena.

11 March, 2020



OPTEL THEVON and TEXYS INTERNATIONAL, two companies specialised in the design and manufacture of high technical added value sensors, considered that their shared values and complementary activities fully justified a merger and would enable them to offer their customers a wide range of products, "quite exceptional", according to Pierre-Jean THEVON, director of OPTEL THEVON and Philippe LEUWERS, manager of TEXYS INTERNATIONAL.